Category News

Coffee with Esther

I’m excited to introduce you to Esther Martin-Moore. She is a member of our Support Group and came up with the idea of running a Virtual Coffee Break within the Support Group.  These have been such a great success that…

Welcome to Our New Website!

Spring Flower

Welcome to the new and completely updated website which we are launching today. Thank you for your patience whilst we have been working hard in the background to achieve this particular goal. It’s been an exciting year for and we…

Coming Soon

Hi Everyone, Over the last few months, we have been working behind-the-scenes with a small group of fantastic volunteers to completely update and revamp our website to make it easier for you to navigate and get access to the most…

Happy Anniversary!

At Chandos House on Charity Launch Day

Today marks the first anniversary of our official charity launch at the House of Lords.  This was a great milestone in the journey and one I will never forget and which I will cherish forever. Cervical myelopathy is a condition that is…

Updated Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

THIS SUMMARY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT SHORT NOTICE AS THE GOVERNMENT RELEASES ITS OWN UPDATES – THIS SUMMARY WAS LAST UPDATED MONDAY 23RD MARCH 2020   Dear Friends, These are extraordinary times; coronavirus (COVID-19) represents a nearly unprecedented challenge…