Make a Donation

Your kind donations will help us deliver a brighter future for everyone affected by Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM) by raising awareness and providing support, improving diagnosis and treatment, inspiring new research, and building an international community.

Gift Aid

If you are based in the UK, you may be eligible for Gift Aid, where the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will top up every £1 given to with 25p with no extra expense to you – that’s 25% extra directly to the charity!

In order to make a Gift Aid claim, the individual making the donation generally needs to have:

  1. Paid at least as much income tax or capital gains tax in that tax year as the Gift Aid to be claimed; and
  2. Made a Gift Aid declaration which gives permission to claim.

Here is our Gift Aid Declaration Form — Single Donation or Gift Aid Declaration Form — Multiple Donations.

For more information about Gift Aid visit the HMRC’s website.