Benjamin Davies

Benjamin Davies

New Myelopathy Matters Podcasts!

Myelopathy Matters,’s podcast series, is back for its fourth season. Dr Benjamin Davies and Iwan Sadler are joined by guests from around the world, including people with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM), scientists, and healthcare professionals, who all share one…

Headaches more common in CSM

​Cervical spondylosis, more than a pain in the neck? by J.Hamilton For some migraines is just another word for headache, but in medicine it refers to a specific type of headache characterised by severe head pain that can last from 2-72 hours, are a common disorder and can be incapacitating to people who suffer them. Migraines are common, with estimates suggesting up to one billion people are affected worldwide. Various tri [...]

Investigating exercise after anterior cervical discectomy: what should we advise?

My name is Dr Teena Fernandez. I am a GP in North Wales currently undertaking research as part of my Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine at Nottingham University. During my studies my husband sustained a cervical spine injury resulting in a 2 level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion and we found little advice or evidence on returning to sport following such surgery. Can you help researchers from the University of Nottingham? Find Out More We did not know if he could go [...]

Addressing recent concerns about and affiliated surveys

A message from the director ​Concerns have recently been raised with regards the legitimacy of the Health Surveys hosted by and I would like to address these directly.  As you are only too aware, Myelopathy is a condition which faces a number of significant challenges including lifelong disability, widespread misunderstanding and under-recognition, and a lack of clear information or support. was founded to address these issues and become a ra [...]

Ageing increases impact of spinal cord compression

FEM (Finite Element Method) analyses the impact of mechanical loads e.g. 'stress'. It was principally used in engineering (for example aerospace), but increasingly also medical research At the moment, we do not have medical investigations which are able to represent accurately the significance of spinal cord injury.  For example, you could have two patients with exactly the same MRI changes, one who is without symptoms and th [...]

In search of Myelopathy man

By Delphine Houlton Our Facebook Myelopathy Support group, founded by Iwan Sadler, now has more than 1,000 members worldwide.A great success story which is set to grow as awareness of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM) increases. There is little doubt that social media is revolutionizing health care. A US study by Pricewaterhouse Cooper in 2012 showed that one third of US consumers use social space as a natural habitat for health discussions. Meanwhile a 2010 report by the Pew Int [...]