2022 Year-End Message

2022 has been a wonderful year here at Myelopathy.org. It has been particularly special for me, as it marked my first year as a mother, and I spent the majority of the year on maternity leave with my baby. It also had me embrace my new role as a working parent as I returned to work – which was both emotional and empowering. Though I did and still do feel that I am being pulled in many different directions at this new role, I am happy that I am able to demonstrate balance and purpose through my work to my son. I hope that he can see with his own eyes the impact we make through this organisation, and be proud of our aim to create a world where people live their lives free of the pain and terror of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM). 

We have also welcomed new members to the team, and have been working hard on some projects for our beneficiaries. We hope that we are able to launch some of these next year, that will take the charity in an exciting direction. This year, we have ramped up our scientific initiatives to address the global research priorities in DCM, bringing together a talented Steering Committee with limitless expertise and enthusiasm. We have supported and published high-impact research, including launching the first international survey of current practice in DCM rehabilitation. Next year will see strong progress in our research projects, as we fight for a brighter outlook for all those affected by DCM.

And finally, none of this would be possible without the unwavering support of our donors, our supporters, and our fantastic volunteers. Thank you for all that you bring and all that you do. And thank you all, for being a part of the Myelopathy.org story. 

Have a wonderful festive period and New Year!